Testing Information
Juniors and seniors are urged to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and/or the American College Test (ACT) at least two times before January of their senior year.
All testing results are available and distributed to the parents. Parents and students usually are invited to a conference to discuss the PLAN and the PSAT results, to help students prepare for the College Board exams (SAT and ACT).
Which tests to take
The Fellowship college counselor recommends that students take both the SAT and the ACT. The SAT Subject Test is a battery of tests that are required for admissions to certain schools. Because students do not have a final application list until sometime in their senior year, it is recommended that students take certain SAT Subject tests.
When to take the SAT/ACT
Fellowship recommends that students begin to take the ACT & SAT in the winter/spring of the junior year. It is recommended that students take the ACT and/or the SAT at least two to three times during their junior and senior years. Please keep in mind the individual student's schedule and obligations that may prohibit him/her from preparing appropriately before each test.
Test Prep Courses
Below is a list of test preparation programs. It is the student’s responsibility to investigate the programs before investing the money. The list below does not constitute an endorsement of the program.
- College Board FREE SAT Prep Course (khanacademy.org/sat)
- Dogwood Tutoring (dogwoodtutoring.com)
- Applerouth Tutoring (applerouth.com)
- Kaplan Educational Centers (kaptest.com)
- Princeton Review (princetonreview.com)
Reporting Scores
The best time to request that the results are sent to colleges is at the time a student registers for the test! Otherwise this critical step is easily forgotten or put off. If the student decides not to use Score Choice, schools will automatically receive the entire history of SAT / SAT Subject tests. Students should still feel comfortable sending all scores, since most colleges consider a student’s best score. When registering, do not forget to include Fellowship's CEEB code (112627) on the application materials.