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Carpool & Bus Transportation

Elementary School Carpool

Grades PreK - 5
Drop Off: 7:30 - 8:00 am

If you have elementary students and 6th and 7th grade siblings...

  • Please enter and exit from Woodstock or Crossville Rd. (Church entrances) and follow the route displayed below.
  • Elementary students and 6th, 7th & 8th grade siblings will walk to Gym 2 together and then 6th and 7th grade siblings will proceed to Gym 1 for Morning Room.

If you have a high school or 8th grade sibling...

  • Please drop off your elementary and/or 6th and 7th grader(s) first then proceed back towards the Woodstock Rd. entrance and follow the high school route.
Animated graphic of elementary carpool route for pre-K - 5th grade

PreK - half day Kindergarten
Pick - Up: 11:45 pm

If you have a PreK or half day Kindergarten student, please pick-up your child at the Elementary School main office entrance.

Full day Kindergarten - 5th grade
Pick - Up: 2:35 pm - 3:05 pm

If you have elementary school students...

  • Please follow the same route as drop off to pick-up.

If you have middle school siblings (6th - 8th)...

  • Please proceed to and park in one of the first two rows at the end of the sidewalk (lower church parking lot) and either wait for your middle school students to walk up to you after 3:05 dismissal or get back in line at 3:05 to pick up middle school siblings (6th - 8th) in front of Gym 1.

View Middle School pick-up route.

If you have high school sibling(s)...

  • After picking up middle school sibling(s) please proceed back towards the Woodstock Rd. entrance and follow the high school route.

Elementary Walk-up Procedure

  • You must park in the Fellowship Bible Church lot to walk up and pick up your child on the sidewalk.

  • Hold up your pre-printed carpool sign and wait for a staff member to call your child.
  • If your child has an appointment after school requiring early check-out, please pick them up before 2:00.
  • Please note that during the first week, drop-off will take longer than usual as everyone becomes accustomed to the routine. Please familiarize yourself with the routes and follow the directions of carpool attendants.
Animated graphic of elementary carpool route for Kindergarten & 5th grade

Middle School Carpool

Grades 6th-8th
Drop Off - 7:30 - 8:00 am

If you are only dropping off 6th, 7th & 8th graders...

  • Please use the Jones Rd. entrance when arriving and exiting campus. Your child(ren) will enter at the Elementary entrance, go down the stairs to the right and follow the hall to Gym 1 for Morning Room.

If you are dropping off an elementary and 6th, 7th or 8th grade student...

  • Please drop students off together and follow the elementary carpool route. Elementary students and 6th, 7th & 8th grade siblings will walk to Gym 2 together and then 6th, 7th & 8th grade siblings will proceed to Gym 1 for Morning Room.


Animated graphic of middle school carpool route

Grades 6th-8th
Pick Up: 3:05 pm

If you are only picking up 6th-8th graders...

  • Please follow morning route.

If you are picking up 6th - 8th and elementary students...

  • Please pick up your elementary students first at 2:45 then proceed to and park in one of the first two rows at the end of the sidewalk and wait for your 6th - 8th grade students to walk up to you after 3:05 dismissal .

View Elementary School pick-up route.

If you have high school sibling(s)...

  • After picking up elementary and/or 6th - 8th students, either proceed back towards the Woodstock Rd. entrance and follow the high school route or wait for your high school students to walk up to you in the lot at the end of the sidewalk (lower church parking lot).

High School Carpool

Grades 9 - 12
Drop Off: 7:30 - 8:00 am

If you are only dropping off a 9th - 12th grader...

  • Please enter from Woodstock Rd. and follow the route below to drop off in front of the high school then exit from either the Jones Rd. or Woodstock Rd. entrance.

If you have a 6th, 7th or 8th grade sibling...

  • After dropping off your 9th - 12th grader please proceed toward the Jones Rd. entrance and join the 6th, 7th & 8th grade drop off route.

If you have elementary, middle school (6th - 8th), and high school students...

  • Please drop off your elementary and/or 6th, 7th & 8th grader(s) together at the elementary drop off then proceed back toward the Woodstock Rd. entrance and follow the route below to drop off high school students.
Animated graphic of morning high school carpool route

Grades 9 - 12
Pick-Up: 3:15 pm

If you are only picking up 9th - 12th graders...

  • Please enter from Woodstock Rd. and follow the route below to pick-up in front of the high school then exit from either the Jones Rd. or Woodstock Rd. entrance.

If you have elementary and middle school (6th - 8th) siblings...

  • Please pick up elementary students first then proceed to and park in one of the first two rows at the end of the sidewalk (lower church parking lot) and either wait for your middle school students to walk up to you after 3:10 dismissal or get back in line at 3:05 to pick up middle school siblings (Grades 6-8) in front of Gym 1. After picking up middle school sibling(s) please either wait for your high school student(s) to walk up to you after 3:15 dismissal or proceed back toward the Woodstock Rd. entrance and follow the high school route.
Animated graphic of afternoon middle school carpool route

Bus Transportation Locations & Additional Details

Back of school bus