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Fellowship Booster Club Golf Tournament

Presented by:

Event Details

  • Monday, April 21, 2025
  • Brookfield Country Club
  • Registration: 8:00 am
  • Shotgun start: 8:30 am
  • In addition to 18 amazing holes of golf, we will have prizes for the "closest to the pin" and "longest drive" winners, exciting raffle items, and more!
  • Thank you to Trimera, our title sponsor, for making this event a success! Proceeds from the golf tournament benefit Fellowship Athletics.

Questions? Please email Kevin Coley or Toby Newkirk, FBC Golf Tournament Co-Chairs. 

Hole Sponsorship with Foursome


  • Company name and logo on signage at one hole 
  • Tournament registration for four golfers
  • Golf tournament commemorative merchandise
  • Breakfast and lunch

Foursome Sponsorship



  • Tournament registration for four golfers
  • Golf tournament commemorative merchandise
  • Breakfast and lunch

Hole Sponsorship



  • Company name and logo on signage at one hole




Individual Sponsorship



  • Tournament registration for one golfer
  • Golf tournament commemorative merchandise
  • Breakfast and lunch


Complete your registration to reserve your spot today!


2025 Fellowship Booster Club Golf Tournament
Sponsored by Trimera

April 21, 2025
Brookfield Country Club
100 Willow Run Road
Roswell, GA

Registration*: 8:00am
Shotgun Start: 8:30am
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.*Mulligans will be available for purchase at Registration. For $50, you receive 2 mulligans and entry into both the longest drive and putting contests.

Participation Fees:
Individual Golfer: $400
Foursome*: $1,500 
Hole Sponsor with Foursome: $1,800
Hole Sponsor Only (No Golf): $300
Title Sponsor with Foursome: $5,000 (Only one available.) 

*To receive the Foursome price break, players must register and pay under one foursome registration. 

Proceeds from the 2025 Fellowship Booster Club Golf Tournament will directly support the needs of Fellowship Christian School's athletic programs and student-athletes. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

First Name
Last Name
Do you have any children or grandchildren currently attending FCS? required
Name of oldest enrolled child or grandchild.
First Name
Last Name
As a team captain, you're responsible for securing a foursome. All names are not required today.
First Player Name
First Name
Last Name
How often does this player play traditional golf?
Second Player Name
First Name
Last Name
How often does this player play traditional golf?
Third Player Name
First Name
Last Name
How often does this player play traditional golf?
Fourth Player Name
First Name
Last Name
How often does this player play traditional golf?
Please include the name of your business as you would like it listed in marketing materials.
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 20MB
No file chosen
One of the FBC Golf Tournament Co-Chairs will call to discuss potential prize donations.
Administration will approve all caddy requests based on GPA, class schedule, and athletics schedule.
There is no guarantee that we will be able to honor all caddy requests. Preference to upperclassmen.
There is no guarantee that we will be able to honor all caddy requests. Preference to upperclassmen.
If you are participating in the tournament, you may also donate in addition to registration.
Payment Option Details:
1. Credit Card
2. Corporate Check: Please make all checks payable to "Fellowship Christian School." In the memo line denote "FBC Golf Tournament." Checks may be dropped off during the school day at the FCS high school front office or mailed to: 
Fellowship Christian School
Attn: Business Office
10965 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Payment Information

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